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5 Christmas recipes with extra virgin olive oil

Protagonist of our daily culinary life, extra virgin olive oil is the basic ingredient of every dish we bring to our table, able to enhance every recipe and main character of the most important anniversaries for us. Christmas, Easter, anniversaries or birthdays… extra virgin olive oil gives flavor, character and definitely an edge to our menu, from appetizers to desserts.

Extra virgin olive oil is the golden thread that unites “feeling good” and the happy moments of being together, with family and friends.
Carefully choosing the best olive oil for original Christmas recipes or for the ad hoc Christmas menu is a decision that must be thought out and considered; Christmas at the table is the perfect rite to celebrate, in its maximum splendor, the affections and serenity of that specific moment, shared together in front of Christmas dishes conceived and created, guided by the most rooted of passions.

The main element of the Mediterranean diet, olive oil is used at 360 °, as a raw or cooked condiment, but also for the occasional times when we want to enjoy a light frying. In corpus and beyond, as extra virgin olive oil is an ally in the care of our skin, in the harsh winter seasons and in the arid summer months.
Olive oil finds space far and wide in our daily life … and how could we ever forget to include it in our recipes for the Christmas holidays?

For an unforgettable Christmas dinner, you will certainly need an equally memorable extra virgin olive oil, which can be found on our oil e-commerce.
And to give you some more ideas on how our extra virgin olive oil can find space in your Christmas menu, here are 5 Christmas recipes with extra virgin olive oil.

  • Christmas cookies with extra virgin olive oil

It is known that extra virgin olive oil also lends itself well to the preparation of desserts; used instead of butter to give the right friability and digestibility to our delicious sins of gluttony. A lighter dessert that perfectly plays the role of the perfect end to Christmas lunches and dinners.
Among the most popular Christmas recipes we find biscuits with extra virgin olive oil which among the ingredients finds our most lovable oil, the San Felice; an extra virgin that expresses authenticity and well-being.

Full link for ingredients and procedure here: Christmas Cookies

  • Gourmet panettone with extra virgin olive oil

An appetizer that unleashes the imagination and the palate of those who will sit at your table for the Christmas dinner.
With the classic shape of a panettone, but salty, to be cut and stuffed as you like: salmon and philadelphia, ham mousse, olive pate … but also toasted with a drizzle of Santa Giustina Non Filtrato extra virgin olive oil can be the ideal idea to deceive the wait for the arrival of the Christmas menu.

The tips for the perfect preparation of this reinterpretation of the classic Christmas panettone!

  • Frantoio Christmas soup

The first dish that has always found a place on our table since time immemorial, whether it is for a daily meal or to be included in our Christmas recipes, the classic Frantoio soup is a must in Mediterranean cuisine. So called because without that drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, it wouldn’t have the same taste, the same perfume, in short, it wouldn’t be the same. Beans, cereals, spices and fresh toasted bread, et voilà the cold Christmas day will find its turning point in this winter recipe. Serve it categorically with a drizzle of Vert De Vertes extra virgin olive oil, a green olive oil produced exclusively from the best selection of green olives. The final touch that cannot be missing from your Christmas party menu.

Here you are some practical tips for making this hot first course!

  • Crumble (salty or sweet) with extra virgin olive oil

With a thousand uses, the crumble goes well with savory and flavored dishes and sweet and sugary recipes. This is why it is one of the final choices to include three original Christmas recipes and based on the extra virgin olive oil chosen it will be better suited for one or the other use. If we add our Monocultivar Grignano extra virgin olive oil to the basic recipe, then we see it well married as the base of a salted anchovy and cherry tomato cheesacake or as a finishing touch to our first dish of fish sauce and black olives. If, on the other hand, to overturn the idea of ​​the classic Christmas menu, you want to use it in a sweet version, in this case we recommend using our Campo di Casa olive oil, more sweet and delicate, with a hint of sweet and fruity aroma.

An idea of ​​how extra virgin olive oil can replace butter in the preparation of your recipes, both Christmas and not.

  • Aromatic sea bass with lemon oil and orange salad

A second course, simple and quick, but which in the eyes of your diners at the Christmas lunch will make you look like starred chefs. We have also decided to include in the Christmas menu a different gem from the usual, a particularity of extra virgin olive oil that is not seen every day: lemon flavored olive oil. Perfect match with fish-based dishes, it can be the ideal solution that goes in perfect contrast with the lightness of our second Christmas dish;

More information for the realization of our Christmas recipe right here!

Stock up on extra virgin olive oil immediately on our shop and tag us in your recipes #christmasrecipieswithbonamini

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