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Autumn recipes with extra virgin olive oil: “Countryman” Soup

Practical advice on how to make autumn soups and veloutés with a single common ingredient: extra virgin olive oil

Autumn has finally knocked on our door and with it has also brought a light breeze which, in no time, made us forget the hot summer just passed and all the fresh recipes with olive oil that we they accompanied in the previous months.

As we all know, extra virgin olive oil for an Italian DOC represents not only a simple condiment but is one of the ingredients, if not, the main ingredient of Mediterranean cuisine, capable of enhancing any dish, from the richest to the “poorest” .
And since we have entered the subject, it is precisely this that we will talk about today: the “poor” dishes of our culinary tradition.
Soups, soups and vegetable creams are those dishes that will accompany us until the arrival of spring, when with the blossoming of the flowers, our desire to return to a fresher and faster cuisine will also grow.

The extra virgin olive oils most suitable for creams and pureed soups

These latest autumn recipes, warm and finished with the final touch of raw extra virgin olive oil, are the comfort food for young and old and bring to mind long forgotten or estranged memories and scents.

To begin this journey of memory, it must be pointed out that autumn and winter dishes must be prepared with seasonal products and above all, not to be forgotten, of quality.
Vegetables, legumes, cereals … in addition to the classic ingredients, the choice of olive oil to use is essential. Do not choose with your eyes closed, because in the preparation of recipes for winter creams and velvets it must have well-defined sensory characteristics.

What do we mean by this? Simple!

A too delicate extra virgin olive oil would get lost in a dish with already basic ingredients full of flavor, while an aromatic and decisive extra virgin olive oil would cover the aromas and hints of recipes with more delicate products.

Therefore, for the creation of autumn soups and velvety recipes, we recommend using 3 of our main extra virgin olive oils: the monocultivar Grignano, the Vert de Vertes and the Santa Giustina.


With an intense and decisive flavor, with fresh aromas of freshly cut grass and spices, these extra virgin olive oils are able to enhance all your autumn and winter recipes, especially when it comes to vegetable soups or legume soups.

After this ad hoc combination, let’s discover together the secrets behind the Frantoiana Soup!

“Countryman” Soup

Zuppa frantoiana con olio extravergine di oliva Bonamini
Autumn recipe and typical poor dish of tradition.
Born from the recovery of leftover vegetables and dry bread, in periods of intense work such as the harvest of olives for extra virgin olive oil.
Offered, in fact, as a hot lunch to the armfuls busy harvesting in the olive groves, this autumn soup allowed the farmers to fill up, warm up and recharge to get back to work!
Also used as a tester for freshly squeezed olive oil, which was placed flush on the soup, then moved on to tasting to evaluate the quality of that harvest.

And hence the name of “Zuppa Frantoiana”, a poor, tasty and very energizing dish.
A real treat for the cold months that await us!

Ingredients (for 6 people):
• 1 kg of savoy cabbage and 1 kg of black cabbage
• 600 g of potatoes, carrots and pumpkin
• 2 large white onions and 2 cloves of garlic
• 3 celery ribs and 3 leeks
• 1 handful of parsley and basil
• 600 gr of mixed legumes to taste
• 100 grams of wild herbs
• 200 ml of tomato sauce
• 100 ml of Bonamini extra virgin olive oil “Vert De Vertes“, “Santa Giustina” or “Monocultivar Grignano” as desired
• Salt and Pepper To Taste
• stale bread

1. First boil the beans in plenty of water where you have also added a clove of garlic, a sprig of rosemary and one of sage.
Once ready, set aside a handful of beans and pass the rest, then add a little cooking liquid.
You will thus obtain an excellent legume broth, to which you will add the Bonamini “Vert De Vertes” extra virgin olive oil.
2. In the meantime, wash the vegetables and cut them into cubes or slices, the cabbage into strips and cut the herbs with a knife.
When the bean broth boils, add the vegetables, the tomato sauce, the wild herbs and the aromatic ones you like best. Add salt if necessary and cook for an hour.
3. While waiting, toast the bread, rub it over the garlic and as soon as the soup is ready, pour it over the bruschetta.
Season everything with extra virgin olive oil “Vert De Vertes“, “Santa Giustina” or “Monocultivar Grignano” to taste, a grind of pepper and serve the Frantoiana soup hot!

This autumn soup is ideal because it can warm body, soul and heart!
It brings with it healthy options, balanced and suitable for a healthy lifestyle; to face the cold, recharging the batteries while waiting for the arrival of spring.

Try making this gem yourself with Bonamini’s extra virgin olive oils, you can find them right here: https://shop.oliobonamini.com/en/

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Credits: FutureSmart