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2022 freshly pressed olive oil

Freshly pressed Bonamini extra virgin olive oil

The time has finally come! It is time to flood our homes with that pleasant scent of fresh oil, of new oil… of that freshly squeezed extra virgin olive oil, capable of combining that freshness of the countryside and that warmth of the walls of the house, of being with the family.
Those who love extra virgin olive oil, especially new oil, are unlikely to give up the culinary pleasure that only the classic Italian bruschetta with freshly pressed oil can give; a sublime and unrepeatable experience, which manages to enhance all the flavors and aromas of our local products.

In order not to miss that freshly produced extra virgin olive oil, with its intense green color and intoxicating scent, we at Frantoio Bonamini have activated an excellent booking system, so that everyone can secure their own supply of new oil.

New oil: the 5 fundamental characteristics of new oil

The new oil has a low acidity and is rich in polyphenols, particularities that make it intense and slightly tingling, but capable of creating an appreciated combination of bitter and spicy notes

Freshly squeezed EVO oil does not need any preservatives, on the contrary it is rich in natural preservatives that are contained in its fruit and that make it not only tastier but also healthier

New extra virgin olive oil is a friend and ally of health; effective at a tumor level, slows down cell aging, helps correct bowel function and blood clotting

New olive oil is also called “Unfiltered”. We at Frantoio Bonamini have already dedicated an entire chapter of our blog to this topic, have you already read it? Discover more about filtered and unfiltered oil!

Fresh oil is not only able to combine our culinary pleasures but is also capable of integrating conviviality with the people around us. Sharing the table with the people you love is even more beautiful if you find new extra virgin olive oil to season everything.

How to taste extra virgin olive oil in the right way

Tasting extra virgin olive oil is a unique experience, able to transport our senses among scents with unique flavors. Here is a real guide to olive oil tasting to learn more about the topic.

If you can’t wait to taste it, you should know that we at Frantoio Bonamini have activated an excellent booking system, so that everyone can secure their own supply of new oil.

How to book new oil?

The news of the scarcity of this 2021-2022 campaign has led consumers to worry about going dry with their usual stocks of new oil; unpleasant situation, to which most people wanted to get over it.
Reservations for new olive oil have therefore been requested and reservations for new olive oil have been given.
We have started a pleasant vicious circle that has created, in the long run, a very well structured fresh olive oil reservation system.

The consumer of Bonamini branded extra virgin olive oil has the opportunity to book their favorite EVO oil, in a filtered or unfiltered version and they leave an email or telephone number, and will be called back by us personally as soon as their new oil is available. Obviously, the possibility of shipping throughout Italy is also open, through our online shop here, as well as the collection or direct purchase at our store, which is located in Illasi, in the province of Verona.

Do not miss the chance to give taste, color and passion to your everyday cooking, book your Bonamini new oil now:

  • by sending an email to shop@oliobonamini.com
  • whatsapp at +39 351 5900242
  • by calling +39 045 6520558
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Credits: FutureSmart