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Olive oil is a precious element of the Mediterranean diet

The famous Mediterranean diet, a synthesis of cultural and food habits handed down from civilizations and cultures located near the Mediterranean Sea, is a varied mix of foods which, combined together, have the peculiarity of providing all the nutrients necessary for a long and healthy life.
In our case, among the main foods of the Mediterranean diet, extra virgin olive oil appears to be the undisputed king, which is the initial cornerstone in the preparation of most of the classic recipes of the Mediterranean diet.

But before diving into the specific role of extra virgin olive oil, let’s find out together some more curiosities about the renowned Mediterranean diet.

It is a natural type diet, low in “bad” fats, rich in all nutrients, protective against various diseases and pathologies and promoter of physical and, consequently, mental well-being.
The history of the Mediterranean diet dates back to the first half of the 1900s, when an Italian doctor learned of it thanks to an American researcher, such as Ancel Keys, who studied, experimented and disseminated it.
In 1990 the first food pyramid of the Mediterranean diet was introduced, which can be consulted by all those interested in maintaining an healthy and long-lasting life, but only 10 years later it was integrated by UNESCO as one of the intangible cultural heritages of humanity.

The peculiarity of the Mediterranean diet is that it is divided into 5 basic groups that develop like a pyramid, precisely the “food pyramid”.

1. Meat, fish and eggs: foods to consumed in moderation as the Mediterranean diet preferes the consumption of foods of plant origin rather than animal origin. There is a tendency to prefer white meat instead of mutton and game, just as there is a tendency to consume fish products available through the fish systems of the Mediterranean basin.
2. Milk and derivatives: by derivatives we refer only to sheep’s and goat’s milk which, being fatter, should be consumed in moderation and rarely; Cow’s milk and yogurt can be consumed on a daily basis instead.
3. Cereals, tubers, legumes: the most consumed foods in the Mediterranean diet. Rich in fiber, vitamins and mineral salts, they are the main source of energy and, if well combined, they provide all the essential amino acids.
4. Seasoning oils and fats: the only seasoning fats allowed by the Mediterranean diet are vegetable oils (including seed oils) but of which extra virgin oil is the most recommended. It can be consumed daily with moderate quantities, which can change by the needs of the single person, as in the Mediterranean diet it represents more than half of the total lipids.
5. Vegetables, fruit and spices: excellent sources of vitamins A and C. This category of the Mediterranean diet is consumed daily, to be included in every meal of the day, especially raw.

The Mediterranean diet is a normal calorie diet that must be combined with an pretty active lifestyle. In fact, motor activity and the Mediterranean diet allow for an healthy, long-lived and happy life. Seeing is believing!

Before ending our article, we’d like to take a few steps back and pause for a moment on the extremely important function of extra virgin olive oil and the benefits it brings to all dedicated followers of the Mediterranean diet.

Let’s find out all the benefits of olive oil in the Mediterranean diet

A precious ally for our health and a must-have ingredient of the Mediterranean diet, extra virgin olive oil, thanks precisely to the fact that it is extra virgin and therefore produced from selected olives, pressed at low temperatures to keep all the its peculiar characteristics and its main nutrients, it is the most importante ingredient of the food pyramid. Its unsaturated fatty acids, such as oleic acid, polyphenols and vitamin A, make EVO oil the most precious of foods as, combined with the Mediterranean diet, it reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, increases good cholesterol reducing the bad one, it prevents chronic metabolic diseases and helps to determine the effectiveness of the Mediterranean diet on the so-called “diseases of well-being”, ie all those diseases linked to the large consumption of food in the era of consumerism.

It is also necessary to make a further clarification on the effectiveness of the use of olive oil, its use does not necessarily and only have to be raw but rather it is useful to know that extra virgin olive oil is a valid fat for any preparation in the kitchen.
Here there are some ideas on how to use extra virgin olive oil in drafting a food plan following the Mediterranean diet rules.

Raw: on salads, dips, bruschetta, sauces or as a final touch. So that the extra virgin olive oil is able to enhance the aroma and flavor of the food before consuming it.
Sautéed in a pan and/or stew: with the steam released during the cooking of the foods of the Mediterranean diet, the EVO oil creates an external patina which intensifies even more the flavors of the foods being cooked and allows them to keep the nutritional properties the same as before cooking them.
Baked: thus preventing the food from drying out too much during cooking. In fact, thanks to the oleic acid, which resists high temperatures, the use of extra virgin olive oil for cooking in the oven will result in a more succulent and healthy meal.
Grilled: in this case, in addition to softening the food itself, the use of EVO oil ensures that the food does not stick to the grill, creating a sort of protective film.
Frying: being the most stable of vegetable fats and if kept at a temperature below 180°C o 356 °F, extra virgin olive oil can also be used also for frying. It improves the gastronomic quality of the food, forming a thin layer around the product which prevents it from absorbing even more oil so as to keep all the flavors intact and original.

In short, for a correct diet, which allows you to lead a better life, free from major diseases and evenhappier (as scientifically proven by those who follow the rules of the Mediterranean diet), extra virgin olive oil is essential and if the EVO oil that you choose to introduce is like our Bonamini extra virgin olive oil, then you will have greater guarantees that, in addition to eating healthy, you will eat with taste and you will re-discover the joy of good Mediterranean diet food.

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