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Your olive oil mill is going in one direction only: total sustainability

Bonamini EVO oil represents in all respects the most classic and traditional Italian product, which is, in fact, extra virgin olive oil; in our version of production, we give value and recognition to a food that is not only an excellent and tasty ally in the kitchen, but also the expression of a territory, connection with nature… a true lifestyle.

During our 50 years of activity in the world of extra virgin olive oil, we at Frantoio Bonamini have told you our story, with images, sounds, colors and the five senses.
Well, five senses + 1, we will dare to say… which is “the meaning of life”.

Extra virgin olive oil is the golden thread that connects the well-being and the happy moments of being together, with family and friends; and it is precisely because olive oil deals with life at 360° that we can speak of total sustainability.

Yes, because a good extra virgin olive oil has a long way to go… from the correct agronomic management of the olive groves, from a meticulous processing in the mill, always careful to guarantee high quality standards and up to the reuse of processing waste. Like the olive pits used to heat the entire structure or the meat, destined for the production of biogas, in order to give back to the earth what it has given us, creating a perfect balance between food and environmental sustainability.

For you, for us and for those who will come in the future … for the well-being of all!

Summing up our sustainability report

We have been on the road for some time and, with diligence and attention, we have taken the first steps to ensure that our reality as producers of extra virgin olive oil is as eco-sustainable as possible.

A green company. One of those able to take 100% care of the surrounding land, which every day allows us to do what we love most and gives us all the necessary means for a production of an extra virgin olive oil, which is among the most loved and praised at national and internationale level.

With the full reuse and recycling of processing waste, we had already climbed our first wall of environmental sustainability with great success; no waste of any kind.

The total sustainability we were looking for was just around the corner, we just needed to take a few more steps forward.

Eco packaging and the meaning of sustainability in packaging

The decisive step was taken towards the creation of eco-sustainable packaging, that is, a packaging designed to create the lowest possible environmental impact.

Furthermore, it is defined sustainable even when the consumer is enabled to carry out a correct separate collection, without difficulties and uncertainties, thanks to a design that is attentive to the recyclability of the packaging.

Our devotion to the cause thus continued with the appearance of the “FSC” (Forest Stewardship Council) brand on our cartons; this mark is a reliable sign of the responsible use of forest resources.

It also ensures that the entire wood-paper chain certified for its standards derives from environmentally friendly, socially useful and economically sustainable forest management.

You can find out more on: https://it.fsc.org/it-it/certificazioni/i-marchi-fsc

If, on the other hand, you are curious to find out what our new eco-sustainable packaging of extra virgin olive oil looks like, all you have to do is go to https://shop.oliobonamini.com/en/ and have proof of how in addition to the famous green gold, it has become GREEN also all its outlines.

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Credits: FutureSmart